Friday, October 22, 2004

I am a fan of the popular sit com "Friends" and my favorite character is Chandler Bin, a man who tells cold jokes. For several seasons, the writers were actively making fun of the character's job, which nobody else really knew what it was. The situation does happen in real life, because a people's job is not always as comprehensible as it seems. So, what's my job really? I find it hard to explain if my audience is not in the same field as I am. But luckily, one of my work is located in the public domain and is accessible from internet. This is a web site for some enterprise customers of the company to send SMS. It's in Chinese and I think you can only see the front page, but it should give out some ideas about my job, either in a right way or a wrong way.

1 comment:

Allen Hsu said...

Welcome to this era of information super-highway!