Saturday, October 23, 2004

This URL links to the starting point, from which I became a fan of Simply Red.
The album, Greatest Hits, released in October 1996 summarized the first 10 years work of the band which has only 5 albums released during the period. It's also the first Simply Red album I brought back in my college year. I remember I played it on my CD player repeatedly for several days and simply couldn't get enough with it. The song, Fairgroud, was the band's first number one single in UK. I am overwhelmed by the song's dancy almost-techno tune.
Last month, I bought the HOME LIVE IN SICILY DVD. I remember I saw the band's live concert on HBO once and finally I have a chance to actually collect it. Mick Hucknall, the singer/composer/producer of the band, is acclaimed as best onstage. After seeing the DVD, I would say I totally agree with it. The concert is a pure and satisfying music journal of Simply Red classic hits. A simple song, like Ocean, which I heard first time from the DVD, and has not been released in any album, was perfectly performed by Mick. You can almost feel the ocean like melodies actually flew out from his month.
Mick talked about how he likes a simple life in the 20 minute documentary included in the DVD. His life style is actually reflected in all the songs that he wrote. A funny scene in the documentary is the band landed in Siciy at 3 AM in the morning and they took the chance to visit a fish market where a lot of strange large fishes are on display. I think it vividly shows a man that really appreciates life and I admire that very much.


mugen said...

Music is food for the soul.:)
My favorite song by Simply Red is "Stars". This song is really good, and has a excellent melody!

Allen Hsu said...

I think 'Stars' is probably the most known song of Simply Red in Taiwan. I remember Jeff Chang had re-sung it in several of his albums.