Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Doing Time Poster
If the story of Doing Time is true, then Japan must have the funniest prison life in the world, or maybe not, it's only a satire way to tell the story. The fifth film I saw in my personal list of Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival is a portrait of in-mate's daily life with a rather comic way. The film is actually an adoption from a comic book with the author's own experience in a Japanese prison. The reason why the author got into jail is yet another hilarious scene. He illegally possessed a gun, which is a real one, not like those toy guns his friends have and he proudly shown in some occasions. A lot of the scenes in the film remind me my own elementary school life. I think it's because Taiwan had been a colony of Japan and the life style has affected our society.

  • Courtesy of this site for the poster, which can be found with Google Images with only one result.

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