Sunday, January 16, 2005

I love jogging and I consider myself as a long-distance runner, rather then a short-distance one. From a physical point of view, jogging strengthens my respiratory system and also as a test for how fit myself is. From a psychological point of view, jogging nurtures my willpower and prepares me to face challenges. Above all, it's the simplest sport you can do when you are all by yourself.
The place I go jogging is a park by the river call Jingzicui Reiverside Park, which is where the Dahan River and Sindian River merges into Danshuei River. The scenic view of the park is another reason that keeps me going there. In the weekend, lot of people go there bicycling, kiting or simply enjoy a leisure time with family.
My usual track is from Huajiang Bridge to Dahan Bridge, about 5 km. I always think it's amazing to have run such a long distance, because we actually drive over Danhan Bridge into Sinjhunag City, but, of course, the distance through the riverside park is much shorter then going through the roads.

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