Saturday, January 29, 2005

It's scheduled that I am going to Kaohsiung City and Taichung City next week for supporting the company's year-end banquets in the south and central regions respectively. My primary job is quite important actually, to operate the lucky draw program. Before Chinese New Year, most of the companies in Taiwan will have big prizes ready for their employees in this kind of occasion as an appreciation of all the hard works in the passing year. The lucky draw program I will operate, in fact, I've also taken part in developing, is to randomly choose the lucky winners of those prizes.
The job was firstly assigned to me last year and all I can say about it is I was certainly more nervous then others who were simply watching the big screen, on which his or her name and photo might be showed. The major source of my nervousness is of course that something bad might happen to the program, which would make the program unbelievable and most likely also who operated it and who arranged the event. Despite all the possible outcomes, I certainly enjoy doing it. Perhaps it's a new experience for me or simply I like to be under stressed conditions.
I tried to let other team member to have the same experience this year, but didn't work out and it brought me yet another new experience, to have business trip on the expense of the company.
What will it be like? We will see.

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