Sunday, March 20, 2005

This is the fifth time I hiked on this trail: start from Shennen Waterfall (聖人瀑布) to Fongguikou(風櫃口) and then to Chingtienkang (擎天崗). I took bus "Little 18" from Shilin Station to the last stop, near Shennen Waterfall and after reached Chingtienkang, took bus "Little 15" back to the MRT station. It's a 3-hour hiking without counting the time spent on the buses.
The first time was a social event arranged by one of my ex-colleagues. I was so fond of the trail that after several weeks, I arranged two more as reunion activities for my junior high school classmates. The last time before this one was almost two years ago and was a spontaneous one.

The first sign in the trail
The first sign in the trail
The sign at Fongguikou
The sign at Fongguikou
Word Printing - Yang
Word Printing - Yang
Word Printing - Ming
Word Printing - Ming
The sign at the destination, pointing back to Fengguekou as 5.6Km
The sign at the destination, pointing back to Fengguekou as 5.6Km

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