Saturday, September 10, 2005

Although it had been widely anticipated that the launch date of Taiwan's first bullet train system would be postponed, it was until two days ago, the chairwoman of Taiwan High Speed Rail Corp., Nita Ing, made such announcement in a press conference: at least one more year is needed to ride on a bullet train in Taiwan. Originally, the company proposed to inaugurate its system in this October. To announce an one-year postponement now hints that the problems faced by the company must be fundamentally complex, yet under chairwoman Ing's leadership, the project team is still working hard to combat obstacles.
What this incident fascinated me is the timing of announcing the delay. Would it be better if the announcement was made earlier? How early had chairwoman Ing apprehended that they could not deliver as originally planned? Isn't project management like a scientific version of fortunetelling?

More to explore in the news:

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