Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam nulla arcu, accumsan et, luctus eu, fringilla ut, elit. Sed lacinia libero ac leo. Suspendisse pharetra tempor mi. Vestibulum ut urna vel turpis accumsan auctor. Nunc vulputate est ut magna. Fusce id erat. In viverra commodo nunc. Nulla viverra nisl eu nibh. Etiam massa dui, tempus in, hendrerit sit amet, congue eu, elit. Nunc tempus quam non purus pretium malesuada. Maecenas lacus nunc, tristique ut, pulvinar sed, tincidunt pulvinar, ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin dapibus sagittis metus. Mauris ullamcorper purus id nunc. Mauris non neque. Vestibulum dui odio, iaculis non, pulvinar a, rhoncus pulvinar, nibh. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc lectus. Pellentesque vel velit a nisl tincidunt dapibus.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum commodo. Fusce et erat id ante placerat bibendum. Sed eget augue. Aliquam bibendum vehicula purus. Donec eu lectus. Phasellus accumsan nibh tempus urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras elementum sem vestibulum massa. Duis molestie, ligula sed placerat pellentesque, lorem sem lobortis dolor, id commodo nisi eros elementum ipsum. Pellentesque pellentesque accumsan purus. Nunc imperdiet ante sit amet arcu aliquam dictum. Donec lobortis mi at diam. Aliquam porttitor elit vitae orci porttitor convallis. Suspendisse vel pede.


Anonymous said...

for a second there i thought i have finally lost it.... ha ha. And the 2nd second i thought to myself... wow... allen has mastered latin and has decided to write his blog in Latin.... tks to you i learned something today.

Allen Hsu said...

I couldn't give up the chance to fill up a blog post with this beautiful, albeit meaningless, text. So there you have it. ;-)
It would be great if I discovered it earlier and had it posted on April 1st.

Anonymous said...

It is on my wish list to learn Latin. Last week, I discovered that a French professor has opened a Latin course at National Normal University, total 10 lessons, hosted on Saturday afternoons. Was so tempted but guess I just didn't have the commitment, I even have trouble committing to my jazz piano classes.

How on earth do you find this stuff?

Allen Hsu said...

I first noticed a similar text appeared with the templates provided in iWork's Pages, but I was not curious enough to google the term "lorem ipsum" until recently I saw the text was used in some Jquery examples.

I have yet to understand the beauty of Latin, but it seems to serve well as a dummy text that keeps you concentrated on other things.