Tuesday, November 16, 2004

How well the Googlebot knows about you?

One of my elementary school classmates asked Google to find something about me and this is the result. It ended up with a little reunion of some classmates who had not seen each other for a long time and were doing different kinds of interesting things. This story shows that Google is not only doing a good job in indexing all the world's web pages but also triggering some surprising life experiences around it.

Most web pages indexed by Googlebot are from my college life, Department of Information & Computer Engineering in Chung Yuan Christian University. There is a course that I took in 1998 and a team member list for which projects were chosen by whom. It's a programming heavy course and I remember I quite enjoyed it, but the course grade I earned is not so outstanding. Why? If looked more closely, you could find that there is a 20% project that I had zero point. I think I was preparing some other courses so didn't submit it at all, but now, I really hope I did.
There are also some BBS posts I made, which must be accessible only recently via the web BBS system. It's quite funny to see those posts again.

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