Friday, December 31, 2004

I have vowed to be a person who always looks forward, not looks back; an optimist.
This morning, I took a bus that has two pairs of seats facing backward. With curiosity, I sat on one of them, so the view of the streets outside the window kept going away from me. I found the view was not just different, in fact it looked clearer then usual, when I sat normally, facing forward.
No matter you used to look forward or backward, as long as you get a nice view, then that's the way for you. It's even better, if you could look forward in some time and look backward in the other. To get a balance between the two.
Tonight, Kung Fu Hustle gave me a happy ending for my year 2004 and better yet, Michael's luggage had been sent back few days ago, which gave our skip trip a happy ending. So, life itself is a tragicomedy.

Hello World! 2005


mugen said...

It takes courage to be an optimist.You are a strong-willed man.(2 thumbs up!)

Allen Hsu said...

Put one thumb down please. In fact I mean to be an optimist in some time and a pssimist in the other, because I am a Gemini.