Thursday, January 20, 2005

I had seen two times a colleague of mine who lives in a healthy life style walking to the office on sidewalk while I was seating on the shuttle bus, which was also heading to the office. I admire it very much and this morning I decided I was going to do that to make sure it's really worth of my admiration.
Where I started, the Yuanshan Station of MRT. I Checked the time, it's two to eight, my usual time for taking the shuttle bus, which leaves at ten pass eight.
Taipei Art Park. There are a lot of parks around this area.
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, which I have never been before (or I simply don't recall it.) The official web site has a great design and full of information, but I suppose one should still find some time to visit it personally.

I took this just outside the Taipei Arts Museum. It's quite unable to be ignored every time when I passed by on a bus.


Temple Procession
930x180x310CM, 1983
Taipei Story House is another attraction that you don't want to miss and it's hard to be missed. I remember the reconstruction of the house took a very long time. I wondered what they were doing there because there seemed have no progress at all. One day, out of the blue, it was re-opened.
The Grand Hotel, a landmark of the good old days.

The sidewalk I was on. In fact, I wanted to take a photo of the company shuttle bus, but it ran passed me rather fast, so it became quite small. I am not sure if you could guess which one is it in the photo.

Martyrs Shrine, a very famous attraction that sometimes dozens of sight-seeing buses carry a lot of tourists here and they are all crowded around the main gate to see guard-changing ceremony.

One of the building beside a park I was passing through. The area has been filled up with this kind of buildings since more and more companies are locating their headquarters here in Neihu.

A temple located amongst lot of modern buildings, which made it stands out more then usual.

A school under construction. It probably is the nearest one around my office.

My destination, the company headquarter. It just passed nine, which means I had walked for more then one hour to get here. What a trip!

P.S.: This post was completed the next day, in which I walked the same route again but this time my backpack was heavier due to a notebook. I still managed to finish it within one hour, since in the final part of the walk I chose a different way to approach the office and was proved that it is indeed a shorter one.
Some part of this post was composed in an Ikari Coffee, which offers free Wi-Fi access. It's like a dream come true that I finally be able to get online in a public area.

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