Friday, February 18, 2005

I went back to read the very first novel by , Hear the Wind Sing. That makes my reading order became the last one before the first one and there are twenty-five years in between. I am sure I will dive into his other works in the past two and half decades.
Before starting to read the book, I have already known the story about when the author decided to write his first novel; while watching a baseball game. It's a humorous answer for people asking about how it all started, but a transcript of an interview included in the introduction by the translator gives a more serious answer; he wanted to do something before turning thirty. I read this book with his intention in mind and somehow it helps me to understand how he had envisioned that he could write a story with his own style, "the way he wanted to write" he also said in the interview.
I am now in his age when he wrote his first novel, so while reading this book I could not help asking myself "Can I do this? Can I do that?" I know it's nonsense because everything is different around me but his courage to do something has certainly planted a seed in me. Hopefully, a magic bean that will grow into a big tree in one night.

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