Saturday, April 02, 2005

A great review from The New York Times: 'Saturday': One Day In the Life, which I spent several mornings reading while commuting on the MRT. Ian McEwan, who won a Booker Prize in 1988 for Amsterdam, is the author of the book, Saturday, that comes under criticism in the article. I have not read his latest novel but I did read the prize-winning one a couple of years ago. It's a very short one, the only impression that still exists in my memory when I try to recollect. The brief introduction on his official web site indicates that the author "took a creative writing course taught by the novelists Malcolm Bradbury and Angus Wilson". That's one of the elements I expect to find when reading a novel, the creativity. However, attending a creative writing course is not a prerequisite to be a novelist, is it?

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