Friday, April 01, 2005

It's April Fool's Day and what can I do about it? I really wanted to do something but unluckily a very long meeting (composed with three different sections) prevented me. Anyway, this is how I originally planned.
The office area around my cubicle previously got three meeting rooms, which were named "Eve", "Adam" and "Eden" respectively. I guess they were named with biblical figures because the area was previously occupied by a 3G bidding team. Now, the company has gotten the license and a new group of people has replaced the team. Two of the rooms, "Adam" and "Eden" then became directors' rooms, so only "Eve" was left to continuingly perform it's duty as a meeting room. Someday it occurs to me that "Eve" is all along by herself now. It's too cruel to bear. I think today would be a perfect day for me to suggest to our facilities department that the meeting room should be renamed.

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