Thursday, June 30, 2005

Another theory for my recent incident of false memory (a better term then wrong memory): I think I was totally confused with the date of a free GRE preview of The Princeton Review Taiwan that I went to.
People's memory decays because of time and surrounding circumstances. That may be a reason, suggested by a Discovery program, why conspiracy theories of the Roswell Incident became so rampant. The program conducts an experiment by inviting a group of people to take a hiking trip into the wild, where a similar scene of the Roswell Incident was re-constructed. Each of them wears an on-hat camera to record what one has actually seen. One month later, everyone of them is interviewed to understand what they still remember. The result shows that some of them do have distorted memory.
Roswell Incident has 40+ years for witnesses' memory to decay; the experiment of Discovery has one month; but mine has only less then one week. It's too quick, isn't it?

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