Sunday, July 10, 2005

Little Fishing Village is probably my favorite restaurant so far.

A snapshot of the restaurant.
Often time, after returning from hiking in Yangmingshan National Park or after a week's work, in a Friday night, we will go there to satisfy our appetite. The restaurant decorate its interior with items from the 60s or 70s, such as the sign of tobacco and liquor monopoly that used to be hung in local grocery stores. But because the traditional grocery stores are largely out-competed by 24-7 convenient stores, the sign now becomes an artifact for antique collectors. There are also a lot of posters of early pop song singers, LP discs and various colorful beverage bottles, as shown in the photo at the left.

Antique beverage bottles with bold colors.

Its menu is a large collection of traditional Taiwanese cuisine. Although its name suggests sea foods are its specialties, my favorite dishes are in fact more usual but still delicious. Among them, Cold Pork with Garlic Sauce (with less garlic but more ginger slices) is the one that we almost always ordered.

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