Thursday, October 06, 2005

Looking from a two-valued orientation, the world could be divided into those who own iPods and those who do not. I just had a transformation and became an owner of iPod shuffle, which is actually a bonus from my purchasing a notebook from ASUS a few weeks ago.

The purchasing itself was an epic battle between two archrival - ASUS and Acer.

After a couple hours of visiting outlets around Gung Hua Computer Market, I narrowed down my choice to ASUS W5 and Acer TravelMate 3000. It was no doubt one of the toughest choices that I ever made - on one hand, the 3000 is compact and light-weighted; on the other, the W5 is sleek and catchy (mostly because of its build-in camera.) I was then accompanied by a friend who works with Acer. He certainly shared with me some of his thoughts about his company's product. He also told me that in spite of Acer's shipment of notebook has become number one in Europe, it still trails behind ASUS in Taiwan. The choice I made was like a testing ground for Acer, but obviously it lost to ASUS one more time. The iPod as a bonus didn't affect my choosing ASUS. It's only after I made my choice that I discovered that there was a promotion going on. It was totally a surprise for me.

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