Friday, November 25, 2005

I found a long lost key.
It rested peacefully beside a washbasin at my home. For how long, I couldn't remember; I am sure, however, that I have seen it there for quite awhile. There is no apparent incentive for me to recover the key, although losing it had made me not able to open one of my cabinets in office. The cabinet is not even mine -- it belonged to a former colleague.
The idea that I should pick up the key came a long way into my mind. For how long, I am not sure; I do remember, however, it came to me like the blink of an eye. There is no certainty for me to know it's my key, although its shape looks like the other key I have for one of my cabinets in office. The cabinet is right next to the one that should belong to a new colleague, who should now own the recovered key.

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