Saturday, December 10, 2005

I don't drive. One fundamental reason for that is I don't know how to and there seems to be no incentive for me to reverse my condition. I enjoy taking public transportation system, which is well developed around great Taipei area -- by MRT and buses I can go anywhere I want to, or perhaps, I have no interest to go where those transportations can not take me. I almost always catch a ride from a friend when going to our weekly badminton playing. This morning, however, there was none who could give me a ride. But I was prepared for this time to come. There is a bus numbered 88 that seems to take me to exactly where we play badminton and that I always want to take to see if it really does -- it did and in less then 20 minutes this morning. It feels great to discover that there is an alternative offered by my beloved public transportation system. And as a prove of how well the system has developed, you can see where the #88 bus is right now from this page, which is provided by e-bus system of Taipei County government.

  • Read also my previous post about this hobby of mine - playing badminton.

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