Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I had a very pleasant afternoon with Prof. Ting-Chi Wang, who is now a faculty of Computer Science Department at National Tsing Hua University. It has been almost eight years since I last met him, but he is still the same as what I've remembered. I know Prof. Wang because he had been our class mentor in college for four years. He joined the faculty in the same year that I was admitted. Interesting enough, when looking back to all the classes I had taken in college, Prof. Wang's classes were those I had earned higher grades. It's not because his classes were any easier then others, but because I was truly inspired by his teaching. Furthermore, it was in his class that I had my first encounter with Alan Turing. And he was also the sponsor of my graduation project.
Prof. Wang wore the same jacket in this video when I met him. He told me he hadn't worn it for almost a year until I showed him the link to this video, which was shot for the graduation CD.

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