Sunday, February 19, 2006

Annual employee kick-off parties are coming up next week in south and central regions respectively. It is my third consecutive year to support this event as an operator of the lucky draw program and already I am witnessing a dramatic change. To meet popular demands from fellow employees, we no longer depend on the program to randomly pick up winners. Instead, actual draws are made with printed bar codes that represent each eligible employee's ID. Then there will be executives invited to come up the stage and actually pick up lucky winners from a box of draws. The program, as a result, will play a minor role in only displaying names, employee IDs and photos of winners'. Unless, as a backup plan, part of the draws went missing, we would not use the program to pick up winners. What's more, personnel monitoring company security issues are asked to certify the integrity of the lucky draw program. The strategies are to disclose the source codes and to verify the program with MD5 checksum right before using it.
I applaud these changes that aim to make the whole lucky draw process more convincing, although employees who come out empty-handed might continually demand more changes in the future with a hope that ultimately they will all be winners.

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