Friday, May 12, 2006

During a dinner tonight, I received a present from a college classmate, Johnny, and his wife, Cerina who is studying English literature in a graduate school. The book, Long Day's Journey Into Night by Eugene O'Neill, is Cerina's favorite play. I have never read a play before, but am very interested in reading this one -- I can not secretly hide the book away, can I? Written on a post card of La Marche de l'empereur, Cerina stated that it was her hope that the book would not be an most inappropriate present for the occasion. (The concern might stem from the hidden meaning of giving a book as present. In Chinese pronunciation, book sounds exactly like losing.) I am terrible at choosing gifts. However, I know from the bottom of my heart, this book is perfect for me.

1 comment:

Allen Hsu said...

If you want to make something taste sweeter, you can pair it with something salty, sour or bitter.

I can almost feel the sweetness enhancing.