Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Cathedral and FlagThe Cathedral of Learning easily caught my eyes on the first day when I arrived at CMU campus -- the majestic 42-story building is hard to miss. The chance of visiting the building, however, came with the second field trip of the ACC program. In addition to being the highest educational building in the world, another attraction of this landmark is the Nationality Rooms inside the building. All of the rooms are built by local communities representing different cultures. The Chinese Room dedicated on October 6, 1939 was designed and constructed in a particularly difficult time. The Republic of China was then fighting an eight-year war with Japan. As a result, the Chinese community could not have any government funding. A story has that art students at Pittsburgh participating in the construction of the room were too poor to have proper tools, they ended up using dental drill to carve the Confucious's portrait in slate.

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