Sunday, March 13, 2005

A fan of Haruki Murakami suggested me that I should read his work starting from the short stories, so here are what piled onto my desktop right now. None of them is translated to English, so what you see is my tentative translation from Taiwanese version.
  • On seeing the 100% perfect girl (カンガルー日和) - 1983
  • Lexington's ghost (レキシントンの幽霊) - 1996
  • On a slow boat to China (中国行きのスロウ・ボート) - 1983
  • Dead end of carousel (回転木馬のデッド・ヒート) - 1985
  • Lightning bug (螢・納屋を焼く・その他の短編) - 1984
  • The second bakery attack (パン屋再襲撃) - 1986
  • TV People (TVピープル) - 1990
As you can see the list is not arranged chronologically. In fact it's the order of the Taiwanese version being published and of how I am reading them.

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