Tuesday, March 15, 2005

What happened in year 1918? It's such a long time ago that even my parents were not born yet (because my grandparents had not reached their puberty) and Republic of China was only 7 years old. But in the same year, William Strunk Jr. published his "little book", The Elements of Style, which recently caught my attention.
The book is indeed a short one with only 45 pages in the PDF version maintained by Jan-Mark S. Wams, to whom I sent a mail pointing out two typos I had found. The typos also provide a tangible evidence that I actually read it. Not just skim it, neither peruse it, but enough to find the typos. Although it's lack of length, I was still overwhelmed by it's capability that reminds me so many common mistakes that could be found in my everyday writing. No wonder it's a classic book.

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